Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Judith Harackiewicz

Judith Harackiewicz

I am interested in human motivation, specifically intrinsic motivation and achievement motivation. I study how different kinds of performance evaluation and feedback influence an individual's interest in an activity, and how interest develops over time. For example, I study how goal-setting, rewards, and competition influence task enjoyment, and how personality variables moderate these effects. I am also interested in motivational issues in educational psychology, and have recently become interested in the role of utility value perceptions in promoting interest and performance. In longitudinal work, I am exploring the role of parents in promoting their teens' perception of value in STEM courses, and the consequences for interest and course taking decisions. My graduate students and I do experimental laboratory studies as well as longitudinal studies.

I recently completed a term as Editor of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Interpersonal Processes
  • Motivation, Goal Setting
  • Personality, Individual Differences
  • Social Cognition

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Intervention Research

2016 American Educational Research Association Fellow


Journal Articles:

  • Darnon, C., Harackiewicz, J. M., Butera, F., Mugny, G., & Quiamzade, A. (2007). Performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals: When uncertainty makes a difference. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 813-827.
  • Durik, A., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2007). Different strokes for different folks: How individual interest moderates the effects of situational factors on task interest. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99, 597-610.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., Barron, K. E., Carter, S. M., Lehto, A. T., & Elliot, A. J. (1997). Predictors and consequences of achievement goals in the college classroom: Maintaining interest and making the grade. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., Barron, K. E., & Elliot, A. J. (1998). Rethinking achievement goals: When are they adaptive for college students and why? Educational Psychologist, 33, 1-21.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., Barron, K. E., Pintrich, P. R., Elliot, A. J., & Thrash, T. M. (2002). Revision of achievement goal theory: Necessary and illuminating. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 638-645.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., Barron, K. E., Tauer, J. M., & Elliot, A. J. (2002). Predicting success in college: A longitudinal study of achievement goals and ability measures as predictors of interest and performance from freshman year through graduation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 562-575.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., Durik, A. M., Barron, K. E., Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., & Tauer, J. (2007). The role of achievement goals in the development of interest: Reciprocal relations between achievement goals, interest, and performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., & Elliot, A. J. (1993). Achievement goals and intrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 904-915.
  • Hidi, S., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2000). Motivating the academically unmotivated: A critical issue for the 21st Century. Review of Educational Research, 70, 151 179.
  • Hulleman, C. S., Durik, A. M., Schweigert, S. A., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2008). Task values, achievement goals, and interest: An integrative analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, 398-416.
  • Hulleman, C. S., Godes, O., Hendricks, B. L., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2010). Enhancing interest and performance with a utility value intervention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 880-895.
  • Hulleman, C. S., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2009). Promoting interest and performance in high school science classes. Science, 326, 1410-1412.
  • Hulleman, C.S., Schrager, S.M., Bodman, S.M., & Harackiewicz, J.M. (2010). A meta-analytic review of achievement goal measures: Different labels for the same constructs or different constructs with similar labels? Psychological Bulletin, 136, 422-449.
  • Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., Durik, A.M., Conley, A., Barron, K.E., Tauer, J.M., Karabenick, S.A., & Harackiewicz, J.M. (2010). Measuring situational interest in academic domains. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70, 647-671.
  • Schechter, O.G., Durik, A.M., Miyamoto, Y., & Harackiewicz, J.M. (in press). The role of utility value in achievement behavior: The importance of culture. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
  • Senko, C. M., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2005). Achievement goals, performance and task interest: Why perceived difficulty matters. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 1739-1753.
  • Senko, C.M, Hulleman, C.S., & Harackiewicz, J.M. (in press). Achievement goal theory at the crossroads: Old controversies, current challenges, and new directions. Educational Psychologist.
  • Tauer, J. M., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2004). The effects of cooperation and competition on intrinsic motivation and performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 849-861.
  • Tauer, J. M., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2004). The effects of cooperation and competition on intrinsic motivation and performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 849-861.

Judith Harackiewicz
Department of Psychology
University of Wisconsin
1202 West Johnson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1696
United States of America

  • Phone: (608) 262-5924
  • Fax: (608) 262-4029

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